1. Heading tags 
                               Heading tags is use for creating heading in pages. There are six heading tags. For example.
<H1>   Head  1   </H1>
<H2>   Head  1   </H2>
<H3>   Head  1   </H3>
<H4>   Head  1   </H4>
<H5>   Head  1   </H5>
<H6>   Head  1   </H6>

   2. Paragrah

                            Paragraph tag is use for writing paragraph.
                              For example.
<p> There is a paragraph </p>

   3. Link tag

                         Link tag use for link one page to another page. In link tag we use a attribute (href). For example.
<a href=""> Google </a>

    4. Image tag 

                             Image tag is use for show image in web page. In image tag we us attribute of src. For image tag we know the name and extantion of image.img tag we also use height and width attributes. For example.

   <img src="Google.png" height="100" width="100


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