Computer basic component

Computer basic components

               Computers are made of the following basic components.

    1. Power Supply- The power supply comes with the case, but this component is mentioned separately since there are various types of power supplies. The one you should get depends on the requirements of your system. This will be discussed in more detail later
    2. Motherboard- This is where the core components of your computer reside which are listed below. Also the support cards for video, sound, networking and more are mounted into this board. Microprocessor , Memory

    3. sample(4)
      Hard disk drive- This is where your files are permanently stored on your computer. Also, normally, your operating system is installed here.
      CD-ROM drive, Floppy drive
    4. Monitor- This device which operates like a TV set lets the user see how the computer is responding to their commands.
    5. Keyboard- This is where the user enters text commands into the computer.
    6. Mouse- A point and click interface for entering commands which works well in graphical environments.

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